How Indian concept of secularism different from Western model?

How the Indian concept of secularism is different from Western model of Secularism? [UPSC MAINS 2018] (General Studies Paper-I)

The Indian concept of secularism is different from Western model of Secularism. In both, Indian concept of Secularism and Western model of Secularism, the state and religion are mutually excluded from each other and they promote intra-religious equality. But the two concepts are different from each other as Indian concept of Secularism focuses on inter-religious equality, religious freedom of individuals, religious freedom of minority communities and state supports religious reforms while Western model of Secularism does not support it. 

This question was asked in UPSC Mains exam of 2018 in General Studies Paper-I. The question has been asked straight out of NCERT. We are providing all the key points required to answer this question.

What is Western Model of Secularism? (American Model)

In the Western Model of Secularism, the religion and state are mutually separated from each other i.e neither state interferes in the affairs of religion nor religion intervenes in the affairs of state.

1) No policy or law formed by the state can have an exclusively religious rationale and no religious classification can form the basis of any public policy.

2) Neither state aids any religious institution nor it gives any sort of financial support to educational institutions run by religious communities.

3) As long as the activities of religious communities are within the boundary of the law, the state cannot hinder such activities.

4) Religion is a private affair and it is not a matter of state policy.

  • If a religious institution forbids a woman from becoming a priest, then the state cannot do much about it. 
  • If a religious community outcast its dissenters, the state can only be a silent spectator.
  • If a particular religion forbids the entry of some of its members in the sanctum of its temple, then the state can do little about it.

5) The Western Model of Secularism focuses on intra-religious domination and the other communities does not have the liberty to follow its own practices. Thus, it hampers the community-based rights and minority rights.

6) What are the problems in Western Model of Secularism?

The drawbacks of Western Model of Secularism are:

a) It curtails the individual freedom.

b) The issues of inter-religious equality and minority rights are often neglected.

c) The state does not support any religious reform.

What is the Indian Model of Secularism? 

India has been the land of cultural and religious diversity where the people of different communities having different languages, customs and traditions have lived together in peace and harmony from ages. Thus in India, there already existed a culture of ‘inter-religious tolerance’.

The emergence of Western modernity brought the thought of equality within the community as well as inter-community equality.

The Indian model of Secularism focuses on amalgamation of the thoughts of  inter-religious tolerance which already existed in the Indian society with the thoughts that came from West.

Thus, Indian secularism focuses on :

a) Separation of state and religion

b) Inter-religious equality

c) Intra-religious equality
  • Prevents oppression of dalits and women within Hinduism
  • Prevents discrimination against women within Indian Islam or Christianity

d) Religious freedom of individuals 
  • A person can profess the religion of his choice.

e) Religious freedom of minority communities
  • Prevents the oppression of minority religious communities by the majority community.
  • The minority communities has the right to exist and maintain their own culture and educational institutions.

f) State-supported religious reform allowed
  • Indian constitution bans untouchability
  • Enacted laws to abolish child marriage
  • Inter-caste marriages allowed in Hinduism
  • Indian Constitution grants all religious minorities the right to establish and maintain their own educational institutions which may receive assistance from the state. 

How is Indian Concept of Secularism different from the Western Model of Secularism?

Separation of State and Religion
Inter-religious Equality
Intra-religious Equality
Religious Freedom of Individuals
Religious Freedom of Minority Communities
State supported religious reforms

Provisions under Constitution of India:

A. Right to Freedom of Religion (Article 25 to 28)

i) Article-25: Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.

ii) Article-26: Freedom to manage religious affairs.

iii) Article-27: Freedom to payment of taxes for promotion of any religion.

iv) Article-28: Freedom from attending religious instruction or worship in certain educational institutions.

B. Cultural and Educational Rights (Article 29 to 30)

i) Article-29: Protection of languages, script and culture of minorities.

ii) Article-30: Rights of minorities to establish and administer educational institutions.

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