Ross Sea in Antarctica - World's Largest Marine Protected Area

Ross Sea in Antarctica is the home to 38% of the world's Penguin population, 30% of world's Antarctic Petrels and 6% of world's Antarctic Mink whales. Krills which are the stable food of whales and are important for Salmon farming are found abundantly here. Ross sea is of utmost importance to the world because the upwelling of nutrients from deep sea waters also takes place here. In order to protect the rich marine region, the Ross Sea has been declared as the largest marine protected area in the world as an agreement between European Union and 24 countries in a meeting of Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) at Hobart, Australia in October,2016. The Marine Protected Area (MPA) status will to protect the Ross Sea from commercial fishing for 35 years. 

Antarctica’s Ross Sea

Ross Sea is located in the Southern Ocean and is considered as the "Last Ocean" in the world which is the last intact marine ecosystem on earth. 

Antarctica’s Ross Sea has been declared as the world’s largest marine protected area in an agreement among 24 countries and European Union in a meeting of Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) at Hobart, Australia in October, 2016.

1) The MPA status (Marine Protected Area) to Ross Sea includes protection of about three quarters of its area approximately 1.57million sq km (600,000 sq miles) of the Southern Ocean from commercial fishing for 35 years.

2) The proposal was introduced by New Zealand and US which was accepted by all the other nations.

3) It includes a declaration of "no-take" zone from where nothing can be removed including marine life and minerals. Though there will be special zones where fishing will be allowed for research purposes.

What is the importance of Ross Sea?

Ross Sea is an important area for marine life.

1) 38% of the world’s population of penguins is found her

2) Home to 30% of the world’s Antarctic petrels (seabirds)

3) 6% of the world’s Antarctic minke whales lives here

4) Krills

Krill are the zooplankton invertebrates that float in huge swarms in oceans. Krills are the staple food for whales and seals and Krill oil is critical for salmon farming.

5) Ross sea is important to the world because the upwelling of nutrients from deep water takes place here.

The over fishing and climate change has largely affected the population of various keystone species found in the region.

Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)

1) The CCAMLR was Established in 1982 with the objective of conserving marine life in Antarctica.

2) It was set up to check increasing commercial interest in Antarctic krill resources, a keystone component of the Antarctic ecosystem and over-exploitation of several other marine resources in the Southern Ocean.

3) 25 Members and 11 more countries have acceded to the Convention.

What are Keystone Species?

Keystone species are those species which if removed from the habitat has adverse effect on the ecosystem. The habitat changes dramatically and it has a huge effect on the food web. All species are affected and some may disappear from that ecosystem or even become extinct.

The keystone species has extremely high impact on the ecosystem in comparison to its population. Keystone species helps in maintaining the structure of the ecosystem.

Few examples of keystone species are:
sea stars, beavers, bears, corals, elephants, and hummingbirds.

1) If star fish is removed from the habitat, the mussel population increases uncontrollably which affects the population of other species in the habitat.

2) The predators like lion and wolf are considered as keystone species as they help to maintain balance in the ecosystem by consuming prey species.

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