US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) - All you need to know

What is USISPF?

US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) is a non-profit organization, established in 2017 that works for the partnership between India and the U.S.

  • Chairman of USISPF: John Chambers
  • Headquarter: Washington DC, USA

Topics Covered:

1)  Objective of USISPF

2)  6 Pillars of USISPF

3)  Importance of USISPF

4)  Annual Leadership Summits of USISPF

5)  Initiatives of USISPF

Objective of USISPF

The primary objective of strengthening the India-US bilateral and strategic partnership through policy advocacy in the fields of economic growth, entrepreneurship, employment-creation, and innovation.

While promoting trade is an important aspect of USISPF, its focus reaches far beyond promoting commerce and also includes job creation, inclusion, start-ups, innovation, and education.

USISPF - Fact sheet

6 Pillars of USISPF

The 6 pillars of US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) are:

  • Business Policy Advocacy
  • Legislative Affairs
  • B-B-G Opportunities
  • Inclusive development
  • Strategic engagement
  • Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

1) Business Policy Advocacy

USISPF helps its member companies engage with federal and state governments on sector-specific policy advocacy, to provide ease of doing business and strengthen the economic and commercial partnership between the two countries.

2) Legislative Affairs

USISPF facilitates engagement between its member companies and the legislative branches in both countries through frequent structured dialogues with U.S. Members of Congress and with Members of Parliament in India.

3) B-B-G Opportunities

USISPF provides its member companies a platform to work together and to track opportunities at the state and federal level. USISPF also drives deeper collaboration by facilitating introductions between government and businesses, where appropriate.

4) Inclusive development

USISPF helps its members work collaboratively with NGO partners. It assists companies in identifying opportunities to aggregate their CSR investment with government, non-profit, and private sector partners, to bridge the gap between corporate initiatives and government priorities.

5) Strategic engagement

USISPF leads initiatives to support public-private collaboration between businesses, governments, and other stakeholders, to tackle regional challenges through deeper stakeholder engagement, theme-based research, and on-the-ground, practical knowledge sharing.

6) Education, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

USISPF believes education, innovation, & entrepreneurship are engrained in the DNA of both countries. USISPF works with its members and partners to create an environment that promotes unrestricted student mobility, creates a robust IPR framework to support cutting-edge innovation, and offers entrepreneurs in the U.S. and India the ability to access both markets.

6 Pillars of USISPF

Importance of USISPF

According to USISPF estimates India-US bilateral trade is projected to grow to USD 238 billon by 2025The assessment underscores the pathways for growth and economic opportunities in bilateral ties by highlighting current trends. 

  • Sectors like defence trade, commercial aircrafts, oil and LNG, coal, machinery and electronics are areas of potential growth in US investments and commerce into India. 
  • Indian industry has an opportunity to promote automotive, pharmaceuticals, seafood, IT and travel services to the US market.

Annual LeadershipSummits of USISPF

The board of US-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) was established in 2017 and following annual leadership summits have been held so far:

1) 1st Annual Leadership Summit of USISPF (2018)

The 1st Annual Leadership Summit of USISPF was held in Washington DC, USA in 2018.

  • Held at: Washington DC, USA 
  • Theme 2018: Strengthening the Strategic Partnership

2) 2nd Annual Leadership Summit of USISPF (July 2019)

The 2nd Annual Leadership Summit of USISPF was held in Washington DC, USA in Jul 2019.

  • Held at: Washington DC, USA
  • Theme 2019: 
  • 2019 Global Excellence Award: MasterCard CEO and President Ajay Banga and Wipro Chairman Azim Premji

3) 2nd Annual India Leadership Summit of USISPF (Oct 2019)

The 2nd Annual India Leadership Summit of USISPF was held in New Delhi, India in Oct 2019.

  • Held at: New Delhi
  • Theme 2019: Partners of Growth
  • India stands for 3 D's : Democracy, Demography and Dimaag
  • India is looking to the US for technology, innovation, skills and quality education. India on the other hand offers an attractive market to US businesses and skilled labour that can add value to American companies.
  • Reforms taken by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, India
    1. Commerce and Industry Ministry of India is working to create a single window for investments into India.
    2. Department of Commerce is also working to bring down the cost of logistics that have to be borne by manufacturing companies in India.

4) 3rd Annual Leadership Summit of USISPF (2020)

The 3rd Annual Leadership Summit of USISPF was held virtually in September 2020 due to Coronavirus pandemic.

  • Held: Virtually
  • Theme 2020: "US-India Navigating New Challenges"
  • 2020 Leadership Award: Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen 

Initiatives of USISPF

The important initiatives taken by USISPF are:

  • US-India Tax Forum
US-India Tax forum was launched by USISPF in Feb 2020 and is a cross-sector initiative which will provide members with a platform to engage with relevant authorities on tax and tariff concerns as they conduct business in the U.S.-India corridor. 

The platform will also bring together global tax experts with their Indian counterparts to discuss: 
  1. future of taxation 
  2. how businesses and government can work together in a global digital world.
U.S.-India tax forum will allow members address policy uncertainties in the tax regime; and collectively address changes needed to ensure India remains on track as a favourable investment destination.

More than 50 tax experts from different Fortune 500 companies along with senior officials from the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), the GST Council, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), and the Ministry of Finance will be brought under the forum.

USISPF, along with the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) will convene the US-India Forum. 
  • US-India Startup Connect
India has the third largest startup ecosystem in the world. USISPF is committed to bridging the gap between the U.S. and India by focusing on cross border startups with the creation of Startup Connect. 

The program is being designed by startups, for startups with the goal to increase job creation in the United States and India.

  • South Asia Women in Energy Platform (SAWIE)

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF) have launched the “South Asia Women in Energy (SAWIE) platform to promote women’s empowerment and gender sensitization in the energy sector in South Asia region.

SAWIE platform will bring together leaders, particularly women leaders, across the energy sector to design interventions focused around :

  1. outreach and recruitment; 
  2. mentorship and leadership; 
  3. increasing women’s participation in networking and brainstorming events, and 
  4. professional development that can help bridge the gender gaps

USAID is supporting the SAWIE platform under its “Greening the Grid – Renewable Integration and Sustainable Energy (GTG-RISE)” Initiative, a bilateral project with the Ministry of Power. 

GTG-RISE is a key initiative under USAID’s Asia EDGE (Enhancing Growth and Development through Energy) and is implemented by Deloitte Consulting LLP.

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