National Medical Commission (NMC)

The Union Government has constituted National Medical Commission (NMC) which will replace decade old Medical Council of India (MCI). National Medical Commission will be the new regulator and will be 'selected' on the basis of merits instead of been elected.

The four Autonomous Boards have been constituted along with National Medical Commission (NMC) which will help in day to day functioning of NMC. The four autonomous boards are:

  • UG Medical Education Board, 
  • PG Medical Education Boards, 
  • Medical Assessment and Rating Board, 
  • Ethics and Medical Registration Board

The autonomous boards will oversee UG/ PG education, accreditation and assessment and the matters related to ethics and professional conduct of doctors.

Topics Covered:

1) Why National Medical Commission has been formed?

2) National Medical Commission Act, 2019

3) Composition of National Medical Commission

4) Functions of National Medical Commission

5) How will NMC be more transparent than MCI?

Why National Medical Commission has been formed?

The basic change that has happened is that the Regulator is now 'selected' on merits, as opposed to an 'elected' Regulator. 

Men and Women with impeccable integrity, professionalism, experience and stature have been now placed at the helm to steer the medical education reforms further.

Thus, the reform will steer medical education towards a transparent, qualitative and accountable system

The Centre has advocated NMC as a progressive legislation aimed to reduce the burden on students in ensuring transparency in medical education by bringing down the costs.

National Medical Commission Act, 2019

The National Medical Commission Act, 2019 was passed by the Parliament in August, 2019. 

With the coming into effect of the NMC Act from 25th September, 2020, the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 stands repealed and the Board of Governors appointed in supersession of Medical Council of India has also been dissolved with effect from the said date

  • As per the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 60 of the National Medical Commission Act, 2019, the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 is hereby repealed with effect from the 25th day of September, 2020. 
  • The Board of Governors appointed under section 3A of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 in supersession of the Medical Council of India constituted under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Act shall stand dissolved.

Composition of National Medical Commission

The National Medical Commission will consists of a Chairperson, 10 ex-officio members and 22-part time members appointed by Central government.

The National Medical Commission will compose of following members:

  1. Chairperson
  2. 10 ex-offico members that includes Presidents of 4 Autonomous Boards
  3. 10 nominees from Vice Chancellors of Health Universities from States/UTs, 
  4. 9 nominees from State Medical Councils, 
  5. 3 expert members from diverse professions.
  6. Secretary of NMC

Dr S C Sharma (retd. Prof, ENT, AIIMS, Delhi) has been selected as the Chairperson for a period of three years

Functions of National Medical Commission

The NMC will carry forward the reforms initiated by the Board of Governors under Dr V K Paul. 

Already, number of MBBS seats has increased over the last six years by 48% from around 54000 in 2014 to 80,000 in 2020. The PG seats have increased by 79% from 24000 to 54000 in the same duration.

1) The key functions of the NMC will be further streamlining: 

  • regulations, 
  • rating of institutions, 
  • HR assessment, 
  • focus on research. 

2) Besides they will work on: 

  • modalities of the common final year exam after MBBS (NEXT- National Exit Test) to serve for both registration and PG entrance; 
  • prepare guidelines for fee regulation by private medical colleges; and 
  • developing standards for Community Health Providers to serve in primary healthcare with limited practicing licence.

How will National Medical Commission be more transparent than Medical Council of India?

There were many corruption complaints in Medical Council of India and to make National Medical Commission more transparent and accountable following provisions have been added: 

1) To ensure transparency, the NMC members will have to declare their assets at the time of joining and while demitting the office also.

2) The members will not be allowed to accept for a period of two years, any employment in any capacity in a private medical institution whose matter has been dealt with them either directly or indirectly.


PIB - NMC constituted

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